We’re proud to introduce our latest range of personalised tote bags, our Split Monogrammed Tote Bags. This latest range of design templates have a range of customisation options available for you to create a unique tote bag design.
To get started, pick your letter. We’ve got all 26 letters of the alphabet available. Once you’ve picked your letter and hit the customise button, you will be presented with 7 different design options to choose from. Once you’ve decided which design you like best, you can simply type your name into the box and it will appear in the centre of the design. Don’t worry if you have a very long or short name, you can resize the text so it fits neatly in the available space. You can change the colour of the tote bag at any point in the process without losing your design. We’ve added a selection of either our natural or white cotton tote bags, as we feel this range of designs looks great on both bag colours. Finally, to finish off you can change the colour of both the lettering and the initial. There’s the full colour spectrum available, so you can match it to anything you like.
This latest range of tote bag design templates offers a large amount of customisation options, whilst still being super quick to create your own unique spin on the design. Don’t forget to check out all our other initial tote bags. We’ve got various other ranges in our store that cater to every letter of the alphabet.
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